abstracts and posters

Call for Abstracts

HAXPES2024 invites oral and poster abstracts on the following topics:

  • Theory and Method Development
  • Applied HAXPES
  • Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy
  • Beamline Session
  • Key Dates for Abstract Submission:

Oral/Poster Abstract Submission deadline is over. Participants have already been notified by email regarding the Oral and Poster Abstract Acceptance on March 13, 2024. If you have not received the email, please contact us.

Abstract Formatting Guidelines:

  • All abstracts must be in English.
  • Highlight the main presenter's name who will attend and receive notifications. Ensure their email address is included.
  • Use a one-page A4 paper format with 3 cm top and bottom margins, and 2.5 cm right and left margins.
  • The abstract body should be single-spaced in 12 pt Times New Roman font.
  • Use sequential numbers in brackets for in-text references starting with [1]. Place references before final punctuation. Include a reference list in 10 pt Times New Roman font at the abstract's end.
  • Color figures will be printed in the Book of Abstracts. Ensure high contrast in graphics and use 11pt Times New Roman Italic for figure captions.
  • Utilize the provided document as a template.
  • Follow the filename format:
  • For oral presentations: oral_surname_firstname.doc
  • For posters: poster_surname_firstname.doc

Abstract Submission Instructions:

  • Prepare your abstract using the provided template file.
  • Save your abstract in PDF format.
  • Download the Abstract Submission Form and adapt it to suit your presentation.
  • Save the modified Abstract Submission Form in PDF format.
  • Upload your abstract to the form.

Poster Format:

(A0) 841mm x 1 189 mm - portrait

Haxpes 2024 AWARD:

An exceptional chance awaits young scientists! At the HAXPES 2024 conference, two prizes will be awarded to young scientists presenting either a poster or a lecture. One award, the Charles Fadley Award, recognizes outstanding contributions to the fundamental science explored through HAXPES. The second, the Yasutaka Takata Award, acknowledges advancements in instrumentation or methodology associated with HAXPES. Both awards celebrate substantial contributions to the significant progress of HAXPES. The awards are sponsored by the Journal of Electron Spectroscopy - Elsevier. Both awards carry a prize of EUR 500 each. 

Abstract template