
We are currently updating this page, and the final program will be published soon. For now, you can find the preliminary program structure, thematic blocks, plenary, and invited speakers, which we will also be updating regularly. Thank you for your patience.

June 3rd – Monday

Guest arrivals – accommodation (each person pays for themselves)

18:00 – 20:00 – Registration for those arriving on June 3rd - welcome drink at the hotel if enough participants

June 4th – Tuesday

08:00 – 08:45 – Registration

08:45 Conference begins

12:05 Lunch break

18:00 Conference ends

19:00 Welcome conference dinner at the hotel

June 5th – Wednesday

09:00 Conference begins

12:05 Lunch break

17:30 Conference ends

17:30 – 17:45 Departure for sightseeing tour of Pilsner Urquell Brewery, including dinner - participation for those, who purchased this trip - 18:00 meeting at the Pilsner Urquell Visitor Center – for the tours in 3 groups, dinner in PU Representative Rooms - SECESE

June 6th – Thursday

09:00 Conference begins

12:00 Lunch break

13:30 Sightseeing tour of Mariánské Lázně and Klášter Teplá, including dinner - participation, for those who purchased this trip. Estimated arrival to Pilsen around 22:00.

June 7th – Friday

09:00 Conference begins

13:00 Lunch break

End of the conference, departures.

Detailed agenda


The agenda in the format "day by day" is available here.

Please download the titles of the oral presentations here.

Please download the split of poster presentations and their titles here.

List of participants - no e-mails, please download here.

Plenary and Invited Speakers


  • Theory and Method Development

Andrea Severing - University of Cologne

  • Applied HAXPES

Alex Gray - Temple University

  • Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy

Oksana Travnikova - Sorbonne Université


Jessica McChesney - Argonne National Laboratory



  • Theory and Method Development

Taran Driver - LCLS/SLAC

Olena Fedchenko - Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany

Tommaso Mazza - EuXFEL

Laura Ratcliff - University of Bristol, UK

Daisuke Takegami - Waseda University

Aimo Winkelmann - University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland

  • Applied HAXPES

Patrick Lömker - Stockholm University/DESY

Martina Mueller - University of Konstanz, Germany

Robert Weatherup - University of Oxford

  • Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy

Edwing Kukk - University of Turku, Finland


Niels Schroeter - Max Planck Institute (MPI) Halle

Daiki Ootsuki - Kyoto University

  • Beamline Session

Slavomir Nemsak - Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory